PDF Based malware is back

Adobe recently put out a notice that they have another security hole in their Acrobat Reader product (version 9.x and 10.x) and has been patched with the newly released version 9.4.7. But Version 10 will not be updated until sometime in January because it actually is more secure than version 9 already. 2K recommends all users to UNININSTALL Acrobat Reader version 9.x and installed Acrobat Reader X 10.1.1 to have the best protection possible.
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While other security websites have been beating the drum on PDF malware making a comeback, F-Secure recently found that some malware PDFs are being signed by stolen Malaysian government security certificates.

And now it's time to make sure you are reminded to be VERY careful opening those attachments in your email. Even if you know the person that sent them, if you were not expecting the email on the subject they sent, contact them and ask first. Better safe than infected and losing valuable time at your computer.