It's been a week since Sony's PlayStation Network was taken offline and it took nearly that long for Sony to acknowledge why they took PSN offline. The PSN was compromised by hackers that gained access to over 70 million customer accounts and the information attached to those accounts. This includes:
- Customer Names
- Customer Addresses
- Customer E-mail Addresses
- Customer Birthdays
- Customer PlayStation Network and Qriocity passwords
- PSN & Qriocity and user names & as well as online user handles
Now - Sony cannot confirm if Credit Card information was accessed but
it is my opinion to assume that it was. I would recommend to any client that was using PSN to watch their credit card charges very carefully. The most drastic measure to take would be to cancel the credit card attached to the PSN account and get a new one.
You can find out more details here:
CNET storyYahoo! News story