In the business world we're getting lots of questions about how this person can use a tablet device or how person could use it. Really what the question comes down to is: Can (brand name tablet device here) improve my productivity?
Depending on what tasks each of you out there do on a daily basis the answer may be an emphatic "Yes!" a strong "Maybe." or an "I don't know." What it all comes down to is what tasks could be moved from a laptop or desktop computer to a smaller form factor tablet.
What 2K needs for you, the client, to do is to have thought about what tasks you feel could benefit from the tablet form factor THEN we can go further by showing you what that tablet could do for you with those tasks and others.
There are other items to think about too and Lifehacker has a great post: How Tables are Great Productivity Tools that should be read and though about before leaping into the purchase of a new hot technology.