Where to find Windows Phone 7 Apps online

Microsoft in it's infinite wisdom (and to be different) did not setup a website repository for users of their new Windows Phone 7 smartphones to browse for apps while on their computer. Normally you have to use the Marketplace app on the phone to attempt to locate your favorite application. The 3rd party WP7 Applist website makes it much easier to search for and find new apps. While you still have to use the Marketplace app on the smartphone itself to do the downloading, now you can find new apps easier and use QR Codes or MS Tags found on WP7 Applist to take you to the app download in the Marketplace. You do need the ZUNE software installed on your syncing computer to download from the web and sync to your phone. They even have an App Activity section that shows you when the app was updated and if there have been any price changes.